Number of years with SpecTec – 7 years

Can you provide a bit of background on your role at SpecTec Cruise?

Within my current role as Commercial Director, I am focused on ensuring the organization effectively engages our valued customers and properly understands their business objectives. This means we can continue to propose solutions within our AMOS software that will support them in achieving their goals, whether that be reducing cost or achieving increased efficiency across their fleet.
In addition, as a team, we are always working to identify and engage new potential customers, enabling them to understand where they would benefit from implementing AMOS. There’s a reason AMOS is used on over 65% of the ocean-going cruise fleet.
For SpecTec Cruise, I have a focus on ensuring we build and execute clear strategies to drive long-term, sustainable business growth.

What is your favourite thing about working at SpecTec Cruise?

The industry I work in is truly fascinating. I love having the opportunity to work with so many amazing cruise companies.
Knowing AMOS contributes to the compliance and safe running of a cruise fleet is special.

What do you get up to in your spare time?

Hiking is my favourite hobby; living on the edge of the Peak District is perfect for this.
We have recently welcomed a new ‘crew member’ to our family, so spending time with him is my top priority.

What is your favourite cruise ship?

I’m a secret Disney fan, so I would have to say the Disney Cruise Line ships are all pretty awesome!

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