Shift from compliance to
SpecTec Cruise’s Quality Management System (QMS) is a web and mobile-based software solution designed to help cruise companies meet safety and compliance regulations, manage and distribute documents, easily report and analyze safety events, and keep track of inspections and audits.

- Document management & distribution
- Event reporting
- Inspections & Audits
- Ensure compliance and achieve operational excellence
- Reduced administration burden
- Increased control of documents, policies & procedures
- Keep passengers and crew safe

With different regulatory regimes in operation across the globe, companies need to remain compliant wherever their operations take them. By giving easy access to the relevant rules and regulations in a given jurisdiction, AMOS helps further streamline the compliance process and reduce the administrative burden.
QMS applications leverage SpecTec Cruise’s flagship software, AMOS™ (Asset Management Operating System), which results in unmatched efficiency savings. The ability to access QMS any time on any device leads to improved reporting quality and accuracy, increased control, and reduced administrative time fleetwide.

Document Management
All relevant documents are stored centrally, so users can search for and access items as required. This allows cruise lines to manage, control, and issue company policies and procedures that can be easily accessed. Full document history is always available, from first draft to final version, with all revisions recorded. Key regulatory publications are close at hand, helping companies remain compliant, and as documents are distributed and consulted, they can be closely tracked down to individual users – including between ship and shore. This distribution can be controlled by vessel, vessel type, role, or user. Company checklists and the issuing of permits to work are made more convenient due to the use of mobile responsive web technology.

Events Reporting
Powerful workflow-driven reporting tools are within easy reach of users, allowing companies to record, track, and analyze a wide range of reportable events and action plans fleetwide. Mobile responsive web technology makes it simple to record dangerous situations as they occur. Action plans can be easily drawn up and distributed to help prevent recurrence, while analysis of the root cause can help make the environment safer. Once lessons have been learned, notification and reminders can be easily distributed, and key performance indicators can be established to make sure the organization is working safely.

Inspections and Audits
Audit plans can be defined and communicated among team members with the full scope of the audit specified and communicated to the team involved. Forms and checklists are immediately accessible on mobile devices with comments and annotations added instantly. Photos, videos, and other records can be attached as required.
Ability to access information anytime from anywhere.
There is less risk of forgetting what’s been done and what needs to be done.
A simplified interface reduces typing and provides access to information with only a few keystrokes, which allows for a better user experience.
Completely eliminates the risk of having obsolete safety procedures in place.
Completely eliminates paperwork for shipboard and shoreside personnel, which keeps company document revisions under control.
What Our
“Our technology integration with SpecTec is focused on pioneering the next generation of digital solutions for not just Virgin Voyages, but the cruise industry as a whole.”
Jim Craig, Technical Director of Fleet Operations at
Virgin Voyages
“What we are looking to do, irrelevant of the age or the brand of the ship is to ensure that we have got good, consistent and accurate data … From there we lead into good, consistent, standardized maintenance practices which leads to safe operations and it also leads to good purchasing efficiencies as well.”
Nick Goddard, Former Director, Asset Management, for
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
“Carnival Corporation is focused on aligning our fleet of more than 100 ships onto a single, global AMOS environment, which will enable us to unlock significant value across our technical assets through globalized data and aligned processes.”